We’re hurtling toward the end of October and I’m well overdue for a blog update. It did enter my mind tonight  that the blog is a little like a diary, entries are timely and detailed at the beginning of the year and become more sporadic as the months roll by!
We certainly haven’t been idle on the ground though, with all team members pulling their weight. Rob is reaping the rewards of three growing boys out in the paddock.

Big blue skies and typical late Spring heatwave conditions have sapped some life out of the country,
although we certainly have reaped the rewards of early Spring rain and some rotational grazing.
The improved pasture certainly looks more appetising than the native grasses. I guess you call it biodiversity!
While my garden is looking a little worse for wear due to ‘business’, I’ve been surprised to find the most beautiful orchids fending for themselves in the middle of nowhere. This one, nestled in an ironbark tree was flourishing.

We were fortunate to have the company of a South African fellow last week, as he tours a few grazing business along the East Coast. Todd was equally comfortable talking strategy with Rob out in the paddock or coaching our local football team.
He engaged with this rabble effortlessly. They loved to hear his stories of life in South Africa, particularly about the giraffes and zebras that graze on his family’s land.
It hasn’t been all work for me, as I headed to Townsville for the State ICPA Conference.
While I did feel a pang of mother guilt as I left the five littlest people with Super Dad,
it soon faded as I ran along the Strand early morning, enjoying the serenity!

We joined in with the Marlborough community to participate in their, I’m hoping, inaugural Horse Sports. It was a fantastic family day, with over 70 children participating on their steeds. 

Of course, with that many children riding, there was bound to be a buster. Unfortunately, it was Adelaide who came to grief after urging her horse faster with a slap over the rump. Mochaccino objected to the ‘hurry up’ and kicked up, unsettling Adelaide’s seat, meaning that she rolled to the ground, putting her arm out to break the fall. The result was a ride in an Ambulance and a fractured wrist. 

With the pain now under control, she’s back into her stride. Even in school she has been unperturbed, mastering a pencil in her right hand even though she is strongly left handed.

I’ve still been finding time in the day for a run, early morning being my golden hour.

Although early evening comes a close second, as my favourite time of day.

It’s nice to escape the inside, schoolroom, glaring computer desk and bundles of paperwork to dig in the vegie patch and share the day with the chooks.
And that my friends, is an update. 

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 29/10/2014 Fiona said:

    And a very full update at that!
    Life’s never dull Ainsley. Very sorry to hear about Adelaide’s tumble, sounds like she’s managing though. I didn’t realise she was a leftie, as is our Sal.
    Fingers crossed for storms on the horizon.

  • On 29/10/2014 sharon said:

    Was lovely to briefly chat to you face to face at conference….

  • On 29/10/2014 CountryMouse said:

    It sounds like it has been busy. I think the further on in the year the busier it is hence the lack of blogging/ diary writing that occurs. Your running sounds like my bike riding used to be, time out with the added bonus of getting fitter and feeling good afterwards.

  • On 30/10/2014 Erin said:

    Wow Ainsley, busy!!!! but rich:):)

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