Last September I ran the 5km Bridge to Brisbane. What a buzz! As a complete non runner before setting that goal, I was tickled pink to cross the finish line. On the flight home that day, I wrote down my next goal: to run 10km at the Rocky River Run.
And so, ever since, I’ve spent every second morning running along this country road, rain, hail or shine.
Fast forward to today, and with wonderful support of family and friends, I lined up with 341 runners to conquer the 10km. I kicked my goal in a time of 1:01:43.  Smashed my PB by 6 minutes. Thrilled and proud of my efforts, I’m even more proud of the efforts of the whole McArthur team.
Not to be outdone, Rob volunteered to run the 5km distance with 5 kids. 
The wonderful and generous Mrs Mace, kindly took the older boys under her wing while Mr MacGibbon assisted Rob with the two younger ones and Eliza in the pram.
So today the big boys, left their ponies at home and ran 5km in 36 odd minutes while Adelaide, 2 days before her 5th birthday completed the 5km in around 45 minutes. That’s counting the 500m she spent hitching a ride on someone’s shoulder and a few extra hundred metres running backwards and forwards that she and Hamish did to keep the crowd moving.
A great team effort all round, we’re already setting the next goal!

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 25/05/2014 sharon said:

    well done Ainsley! I’m not a runner in any way shape of form, but can admire those that think its fun 😉 Congratulations! But what a huge effort by the kids! Great work team, that’s not a shabby time at all, and 5kms is a good way in anyone’s book!

  • On 26/05/2014 Fiona said:

    Congratulations Ainsley and team, what a wonderful effort. Bet you’re looking forward to nailing that sub-hour 10K now. Well done.

  • On 26/05/2014 Bonita said:

    That’s awesome!! Fast time too.

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