Today the big boys and Dad mustered a mob of cattle from their paddock into a watering square and then cut-out the bulls to come home for their annual medical check-up. (Read physical appraisal, semen testing and vaccinations!)
Once the cattle are gathered and settled, Superdad directed his team to their positions, giving instructions along the way.
Being the eldest (read: longest attention span), Andrew was in charge of blocking the gate. His job was to ensure any bulls cut into his yard stayed there. A human one-way-valve..
Bulls are full of pre-conceived ideas and fierce independence, so the horse and her boy had to be quick off the mark to block the perpetrators at the gate.
A few hard blocks later, the team had cut the required bulls from the larger mob and these competent little stockmen began the drove home…
Get out of the way Mum! The cattle can see you! (is that an excuse for a bigger camera lens?)

At last, the job was done. For some reason the trusty stead is far more enthusiastic about loading onto the truck on the way home from the job… Come to think of it, so to is the rider!

I couldn’t help but include this photo of Hamish. He looks so grown up with two bottom teeth missing. 
Tooth fairy only had to pay out one tooth as the other disappeared, unnoticed until the end of the day… Is that why the apple keeps the dentist away?!
And speaking of helpers,  these were spotted out the front this morning.
I know my lawn needs a mow but I would prefer to do it with the mower.

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 16/09/2012 sharon said:

    I think you need a noisy and determined terrier type dog to keep those roos of your lawn. Speaking of, my mower won’t start, can’t believe my precious John Deere let me down.

    great work from the boys, and we have a gapped tooth smile here too. so cute!

  • On 16/09/2012 Ainsley said:

    Would you believe our 2 dogs and 1 pup barely blinked an eye?! My lawn mower has flat tyres – bloody bougainvillaea..

  • On 16/09/2012 Fiona said:

    Very valid excuse for a bigger lens I’d say!
    Our lot were very excited to have two emus right up close to the houseyard fence this morning.
    And yes, my poor mower has tyres looking like echidnas with the amount of tyre repair-thingys poking out from them. And still the tyres have to be pumped everytime you wish to use it!

  • On 29/11/2012 Aqil R said:

    early exposure for the future breeder..nice
    i have small goat farm and 5 kids, only 1 of like to helping
    at the farm..

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