I’m certainly not a star gazer nor an expert on anything astronomically related however when the light dulled early this morning,  I roused the kids (well the bigger ones, as I’m not sure Eliza would have known what we were on about…) out of bed.
We rushed to the shed to grab the Welding Helmet
and viewed the first solar eclipse since 2002 and the last in Australia until 2028. 
It was quite remarkable and very exciting to witness, even if some of us were still a little bleary eyed..
The morning light was different, kind of hazy but no smoke in the sky, almost a brown/grey sort of colour. I can imagine our forefathers, with no knowledge of the solar system, finding it very eerie.
Like Sharon on “the northern report”, I captured these shadows on the cement. Nature is a beautiful and very powerful thing….

I did try to capture the welding helmet image but it didn’t look anything like this…will leave the complexities of the universe for others, I think.

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 14/11/2012 Fiona said:

    Was starting to wonder if I’d made up the ‘welding helmet’ thing, but am sure I heard somewhere that it was an effective means of viewing the eclipse. You’ve put my mind at rest.
    Wish I had heard about the shadow effect though, that’s rather spectacular. Isn’t Mother Nature marvellous.

  • On 15/11/2012 sharon said:

    people around the bush everywhere donned their welding helmets apparently! Love that your shadows were slightly different in shape, amazing how a few hundred kilometres made such a difference, I would say we would have been half way between you and cairns. Great stuff.

  • On 16/11/2012 Trudy said:

    Welding helmet adored here also, no shadows though, really miffed about that one…..spun a certain someone’s wheels here at 5.48am….

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