When I was little, I thought I might like to be a weather forecaster. From memory, it was around the same time I thought about being an air traffic control officer. Instead, I became a grazier and that means I’ve always one eye on the weather!
Unlike many of our fellow graziers in Eastern Australia, we’ve had some moisture bearing clouds about in the last week. Very fortunate, I know …….
While the official forecasters predicted little precipitation, my Instagram friends reminded me of the saying, “Mackerel sky, not 24 hours dry”. 
Guess who was right!
Again, we’ve been mustering and it has been lovely to ride along with Rob and the kids. 
Those days are going to be cut short when school resumes in just over a week ……
I’ve been chatted about taking too many photos and gazing at the clouds on occasion. 
If mustering, you need to keep your eye on the job at hand, I’m told.
When I caught these two looking up yesterday, I couldn’t help but smile.

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 18/01/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    There are some beautiful photos here Ainsley but my favourite is the last one! I too hope that all our friends to the West get some reprieve from the drought.

  • On 18/01/2014 sharon said:

    Skies currently offering little respite up here however am told “next week”. Lovely photos Ainsley, and I too get chatted quite often about taking photos instead of working (but I’m still watching dear, still watching, just through the lens!).

    We are considering a road trip to visit people where they have green grass. Do you mind if we bring a few hundred weaners along?! 😉

  • On 18/01/2014 Bonita said:

    Amazing photos!

  • On 18/01/2014 creations.1 said:

    I hope there is a reprieve before too long for the dry areas (I am fortunate to live in an irrigation area and it is very dry here) – this ;drought’ has come too soon on the heels of the previous one. Beautiful photos and I too like the last one best!!

  • On 18/01/2014 CountryMum said:

    Beautiful photos Ainsley. And it looks so green. Amazing contrast of colours.

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