There are so many things to love about a long weekend. My focus shifts from the office and schoolroom to the happenings outside. I love the time I get to spend with Rob in the paddock. 
There was excitement all round, as Tess was able to squeeze a few days away from her final weeks at Uni to spend with us and of course a horse or two!
Speaking of horses, it has been a long week-end of graduations in the horse paddock. As children grow and their confidence and ability rise, we’ve done some swapping. Mochachino was struggling to keep pace with Lachlan’s antics on the wing and we knew she would be thrilled to try the pink bridle on for size. Another magic partnership has already begun.
Lachlan has confidently stepped onto Nacho, meaning that Eliza can now step astride Holly.
I’m almost confused with who’s riding who!
Andrew is confidently driving the body truck, so he spent a day blissfully isolated from his rowdy siblings trucking fiddly little mobs of cattle to their rightful paddocks. 

Cloud and drizzle most of the week-end meant dry washing was hard to come by. The cows didn’t seem to mind one bit. The Pangola looks wonderful and has relished the little showers we’ve had lately.

Our earlier paradigm about the effectiveness of  single wire electric fence is smashed. Potential and possibility are key words around the dinner table.
Eliza was exhausted at the thought of all the hours on the Ranger helping Dad fence…
Or maybe she’s just plum tuckered out after the long weekend…

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 10/06/2014 sharon said:

    those kids horses of yours are priceless.

    And that green feed, what a view. What’s the going rate for stray westerners parking up on your front lawn for a few days, reminding themselves what green is? 😉

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