I’ve always loved mangoes. 
Growing up, we had generous neighbours who gifted us cartons of mangoes from their tree in the backyard. 
Way back when Rob and I were dating, I was suitably impressed (and very excited!) by the mango tree in his backyard.
For most of the year, this old Bowen Tree beside the shed provides shade and wind protection to our home. We don’t tend to it a lot and some years it bears an abundance of fruit other years just enough.
In my unprofessional opinion, this has a lot to do with weather conditions at flowering time. Rain at flowering and fruit set can cause mango anthracnose and the young fruit will drop. Hence our meagre crops the past two years.
This past year we’ve had no such problems (a silver lining of the extended dry season?!) and we’ve just harvested a bumper crop of the most delicious fruit.
It’s mango madness, with the cubby floor transformed into a sorting bin for the fruit.
We’ve mangoes with blemishes to peel, cut and freeze, mangoes for smoothies, mangoes for sorbet, mangoes for chutney ……..
 ………… and of course mangoes to eat off the seed.
Eliza is my quality assurance officer and tests samples of all produce! 
Another mango maniac, I’d say….
There’s a variety of goodies coming from the garden at the moment.
For some strange reason, our mulberry tree is fruiting again. Perhaps it appreciated the garden hose being left on at it’s roots.
With temperatures soaring this week, cold mango for lunch looks spot on.

I might just make a mango sorbet to finish off with ……

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 4/01/2014 sharon said:

    we have our version of mango sorbet in plastic cups in the freezer (goes WONDERFULLY with pineapple, better than the straight mango version!) but with a poor crop this year, quite a lot of over ripened and bitten fruit . None left. But still heaps in the freezer from bumper crops previously.

  • On 4/01/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    Looks great Ainsley

  • On 4/01/2014 Kristie said:

    Oh wow!! What a treat!

  • On 5/01/2014 Fiona said:

    Wow … what does it mean that you have mulberries at this time of year?
    Hopefully not more dry days ahead!

  • On 9/01/2014 Kirsty said:

    Yum! They look divine! I love the little mango face as well! We’ve just arrived up at my in-laws place in Queensland and they have a big mango tree, so I’m looking forward to getting stuck in!

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