One of the most rewarding trees in our garden is the humble mulberry. It certainly isn’t the most handsome tree in the orchard as its branches straggle out and now laden with fruit and large green leaves those branches almost weep to the ground.
However for all that it lacks in looks, it more than compensates with juicy purple fruit. It seems it is peak season here. The kids have been competing with a bird or two (I might add, neither seem to be missing out!) to fill a container and their belly each afternoon. 
So to stop too many mulberries stockpiling on the kitchen bench, we’ve been adding them to whatever takes our fancy. 
Mulberries on french toast with a dollop of Greek Yoghurt for breakfast.
For smoko we’ve indulged in mulberry muffins and a lemon and mulberry cake but of course these were both eaten before I could take a photo! I did get a snap of these little morsels  though, store bought tartlets with lemon passionfruit curd, strawberries and of course a mulberry.
Naturally, we’ve been balancing all that home baking for smoko with lots of fruit. 
Frozen, whipped fruit …..
With an abundance of bananas that are ripening, we peel them and pop them in the freezer. 
To make the fruit whip, we just pop the banana and berries straight in a blender (or Thermomix ;)) and blast for around a minute.  And then serve  ……. it’s a winner!
Another mulberry twist on a traditional favourite here is stewed the mulberries with apple and then adorning a rice pudding. Once we convinced the kids that it was indeed mulberry stained apple and not beetroot, they gobbled it up.

We’ve still got mulberry jam and mulberry pie up our sleeve. Whenever I see a recipe calling for blueberries  I think mulberries. Never mind that blueberries seem to be cheaper than they’ve ever been but I just remind myself of all the food miles I’m saving. 
 I really think I should go for a run before indulging any more!

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 16/10/2014 sharon said:

    our tree, I fear, is on her last legs. has some fruit on it, but only just ripening now. I agree, ungainly tree but at the same time, when in full leaf, quite delightful.

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