One of Rob’s favourite biscuits is the Melting Moment. He likes the butteriness of the shortbread like biscuit and the creamy centre … sometimes we have the lemon version and you certainly can’t beat the passionfruit one.
I was asked to share the recipe and I will be first to say it isn’t my original. Rather, it comes from the Donna Hay Modern Classics 2 Book. Of course, with seven or eight of us who all love smoko, I always double. These keep really well in the freezer too.
For the biscuit:
175g (6 oz) butter, softened
1/4 cup icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup plain flour (sifted)
1/4 cup cornflour (sifted)
1. Preheat oven to 180′
2. Place butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl and beat until light and fluffy.
3. Stir in the flour and cornflour until combined.
4. Place rounded teaspoons of mixture on a lined baking tray, allowing room for some spreading. (recipe suggests a piping bag for this)
5. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes (mine always take a little longer)
For the filling:
60g (2 oz) butter, softened
1 cup icing sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons of fresh, finely grated lemon rind
(leave out lemon and add pulp of one passionfruit for a passionfruit flavour)
1. Beat all ingredients until light and fluffy
2. Join cooled biscuits together with icing.
I must note the recipe suggests it will make 16 biscuits. Mine always tend to be man size, and even with doubling mixture, I’m lucky to get 16!
It hasn’t all been cooking and smoko here this week. We’ve been busy mustering, drafting and sorting a few cattle and moving other mobs into their new paddocks as we continue to rotate the cattle with a relatively short rest period between paddock grazes.
Keeping with the melting moment theme, 
Grandma and Grandad popped in for a day and a night …..

……. and little Eliza continues to melt our hearts with her divineness. 

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 24/03/2014 sharon said:

    and now I am starving and craving a melting moment. There is a very good reason I don’t make them. But last time I did (although not precisely a melting moment recipe, but was a soft biscuit) I added passionfruit to the dough (oh my lord…yummy it was) and then instead of joining biscuits together, as they ended up pretty big, I just drizzled lemon icing over the top. Sadly for my bum the kids weren’t fans of them (fussy little buggers, something about passionfruit seeds) but all adults were very happy to have one or three with a coffee.

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