This week is mini school week. The week when the Distance Edcuation  kids come together for a week of social interaction, classroom learning, assessments, music, art, after school activities and of course on this occasion, Naplan testing.
We pack a school lunchbox, wear a (mostly) ironed uniform and deal with school drop off traffic.
It is a week for me to have some “time out” as the baton is handed wholly to the class teacher. Mums’ and governesses participate in some great Home Tutor Professional Development, catch up with friends for coffee and do some “town jobs”.
There really is something for everyone mini school week. eKindy has had two fun sessions with lots of engagement with important people in our community. A little person’s dream: a policeman, fireman and ambulance man all in 2 days.
While Adelaide has been enjoying her eKindy friends, Miss Eliza hasn’t missed out. Now old enough to have her own lunch bag, she has been listening intently to HT Session facilitators in between practicing her new found “standing up” skills and playing with a bucket full of shared toys.

She’s obviously taken something on board about M100W as she dealt the cards out for snap tonight!

This afternoon the children enjoyed a little Book Fair magic. The little ones were enthralled to have Cat in a Hat and Snow White share a story or two.

Andrew was eager to add to his book collection….

He’s been a little busy with Naplan this week although it doesn’t seem to phasing him at all.
I was a little chuffed to know that I was his chosen “Hero” for the Naplan Writing Task.
And absolutely blown away when he presented this masterpiece to me this afternoon.

The opportunities that weeks like this create for our children’s learning and also for school community bonds are fantastic.
And for one week, I certainly don’t mind being delegated the job of cutting school lunches and handling school drop off traffic.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 16/05/2013 sharon said:

    honestly I think distance ed kids often get more exciting opportunities than state school kids, albeit packed into one week per term. Although our small schools are pretty darned special.
    (and do I spy Claire in one of your photos? gosh I love the internet for making “new” friends!)

  • On 16/05/2013 Fiona said:

    Love how intently Adelaide and Hamish are listening to ‘Snow White’, and that inability to put a book down displayed by Andrew.
    Super artwork Andrew.

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