I can’t recall ever having a glut of mulberries. Usually purple stained hands and faces coming home from the orchard heralded the Mulberry season and you would be lucky to scavenge enough to make a pie with after the kids had had their fill.

Well this year we have an abundance.  Following on from mulberry muffins and mulberry pie which we consumed last week, we were a little more adventurous tonight and baked mulberry crumble.
With thanks to the wonders of Google, we stewed the mulberries in tawny port. Mmm, delicious…..(Thank-you to Dave & Dawn, ABC Capricornia Sept 2006!)

 It was just the tonic to feed a hungry family after they’d spent the day mustering and at the yards. All systems go this week with School holidays coinciding with Tess’s mid-Semester break….

I took this photo of Adelaide at lunch today; she was nursing “her baby”. She informed me that she was a Mummy now who could drink coffee….very cute!

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 22/09/2012 Fiona said:

    Love the black and whites.
    Adelaide’s hair is growing so long … she’s getting more like Jessie every day!
    Enjoy your school holidays.

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