It’s been sizzling hot here this week and while we certainly don’t reach the soaring  temperatures on the coast that our Western counterparts endure, the sun and Northerly winds have sapped the moisture out of both the grass and us.
Rob & I have fallen in to a little rhythm of starting super early in the cool of the morn, while the kids slumber on. Has been working a treat. We come back up to the house around 6.30 to have breakfast with them and prepare for the school day. My husband has a lot of stamina, he takes a bit of keeping up with! 
This past week has been about gathering up stragglers of all kinds. Bovine that is. 
A few rogue heifers had climbed through a couple of fences to help themselves to the fresh paddock ahead of the breeders.
Can’t say I blame them, with the pangola having a green shoot.
Tess flew home the week-end before last. We put her to work. I don’t think she minded.
This past week-end we didn’t have Tess to help but Adelaide stepped up. In Prep, Adelaide is writing a letter to an imaginary friend. Her opening line is “we could play drafting cows together”. 

Everyone’s been guzzling water, and the most popular smoko has been homemade sorbet.
It’s a toss up between mango, pineapple and mint or raspberry at the moment.

The promise of sorbet along with a few other tactics have been employed to keep everyone smiling in the middle of the day …..

…… but most of us are happy to share tales by late afternoon.

It hasn’t been all work and no play. Eliza celebrated her 3rd Birthday on Sunday. We let her have a sleep after lunch. She declined and settled for a story. Dad didn’t turn down the offer of a  nap.

At the end of the day, when the searing heat gives way to a warm evening, the pool has been the place to be. Closely followed by a comfortable bed.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 18/11/2014 Ali said:

    Beautiful and wonderful! Such gorgeous pics and words!!!

  • On 19/11/2014 sharon said:

    I’m not shy at turning down a middle of the day nanna nap either….I don’t know one person in the bush that doesn’t sneak in a quick spell when its so stinking hot…. normally prostrate on the floor in the coolest spot one can find!

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