These maternal matrons, in their mid trimester of pregnancy, need a new paddock with fresh feed to graze before their baby calves arrive in October. (Having just weaned a calf, they’ve got their working pants on, but cessation of lactation and some fresh feed will ‘fatten’ them up!) 

This dear was a little surprised to find me behind a tree, camera in hand!


 As usual, Dad had planned this droving trip around school. 
It is always handy to have a couple of extra “little men” on the tail of the mob.
Lachlan’s little horse, Mochachino, isn’t shod at the moment so 
he was careful crossing the stoney creek bed with her…
gently guiding her to the other side….
giving her her head when need be,
finding the clearest path up the bank on the far side.

After all the caution and careful riding

Lachlan lifted his head, to find the mob of cows  had disappeared…
Hurry up Mocha – they’ll be up ahead!
And sure enough, the cows were poking along the  the fence line
following Dad in the lead.

 With cows in a fresh paddock, attention turned to the ride home.

A sigh of relief to see Mum parked on the side of the road with a lift home for horse and rider.
Another day’s work done and dusted! 

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

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