Each year, our local Pony Club tie the horses up (ie. leave them at home!) and celebrates the end of the year with a swim, a friendly BBQ and a visit from Santa Claus.
Now my kids have been around a while and realise Santa is a very busy man at this time of year …. so  of course it isn’t the real Santa but one of his helpers …… just like those fellows in the shopping centres.

A little unconventional, yet terribly practical, Santa arrived in an all terrain vehicle. 
 There seemed to be a small glitch in his attire this year with the boots although the footwear  he did grab were certainly very Australian.
 Actually, there were a few uniquely Australian happenings on Sunday.
The lollies dropping from overhead caused a mad dash amongst Pony Clubbers, big and small!
One by one, Santa called out the children’s names. Each child received a parcel ……
…. with some needing a little help.
Naturally, siblings were willing to assist wherever they could.

Gift aside, the magic of Christmas is certainly alive.

As the sunset, Santa was escorted away to weave a little more magic ……

leaving children and parents alike to enjoy a Sunday evening get together.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 17/12/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    How lovely…

  • On 19/12/2013 sharon said:

    what lovely sunset photos, the light is just delicious isn’t it! I can just about hear the noise of chatter and laughter and kids running about playing, on that balmy evening. Great way to celebrate the season.

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