One thing I have learnt after 6 children, is that we all develop and learn in our own time and in our own way.
Adelaide was renown for her “bottom slide”. She was extremely fast and extremely efficient at getting from a to b. At 20 months, she hopped up and walked. 
Eliza is now just over 12 months and has been in no hurry to move. Until this week!
Now she is crawling, if you can call it that……

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 5/12/2012 Fiona said:

    With five siblings at your beck and call, what’s the hurry?

  • On 5/12/2012 sharon said:

    my thoughts exactly Fiona 🙂 why do it yourself when someone is always around to cart me from A to B?! that said…this is SO CUTE! awwww.

    but still not enough for me to want to go there again. I’m happy to squeeze other people’s babies 🙂

  • On 5/12/2012 Trudy said:

    Ha, now I have seen it Ainsley she is not unlike her sister really. Adorable!

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