After much ‘business’ and hustling, cramming of school work and packing we boarded a plane for Queenstown last Saturday. What a magic place the ‘land of the long white cloud’ is to visit. 
We travelled with two other very special families who we’d skied with before. Travelling together is a great way to holiday, and particularly convenient when the zippy seven seater wagon you’ve rented accommodates seven people but not a hope in hell of fitting in the accompanying luggage! Lucky those dear friends had families of four and were able to ferry a child or a port for us 😉
After landing in Queenstown we drove straight on to Wanaka for the night. It was here we based ourselves for four nights so that we could ski at Cardrona. All fifteen of us were very conveniently decked out in Snow Gear hired from Snopro in the comfort of our apartment. That meant we just had to drive up the mountain in the morning and hit the snow. How good is that! 
The weather was faultless for us, particularly as we are tropical coastal queensland dwellers. The first day was very sunny and I certainly questioned the need for the layers of thermals I had underneath my ski gear.
By the second day, I understood the benefits of those thermals and gloves! While many of the locals seemed to stay away because of the falling snow, it was a dream come true for us. The kids all loved watching the snowflakes flutter and swirl as they drifted and then settled on any flat surface.
Eliza, at two, was accommodated in a creche on the mountain. She coloured and played in the warmth of indoors. 
We enrolled her in two private ski lessons. Although I’m sure she won’t remember much, she did get a feel for the skis and a ride on the magic carpet.
Adelaide, once recovered from the grief of too tight snow boots, mastered turning, stopping and the snow plough. 
She was very excited to ride the McDougall’s chairlift and traverse down the skyline slope.
The boys, who had all skied at a much younger age, picked up their form quickly. Mornings were spent in lessons and most afternoons they were able to explore the slopes with the grown ups. Naturally they led the way on those slopes by Day 3 …… the virtues of youth!
Of course, there was plenty of stacks. 
Some more graceful, than others ……
Plenty of smiles too.
Cardrona was truly a winter wonderland for us. We certainly felt as if we were on top of the world. The scenery was breathtaking.
Rob & I both thrive on the active holiday concept, and were very grateful to share the fun and experience with our mates.

That’s the wrap from the slopes, we then moved onto the touring, which of course will be another post.

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