My favourite activity in the afternoon is some time in the garden.
 This afternoon I stopped for five to come inside for a glass of water and found this little man busy making a chocolate cake…
He put the Donna Hay cookbook aside and chose a new recipe from Julie Goodwin’s “Our Family Table”.
A chocolate cake to be iced with chocolate ganache none the less.
I’m feeling a little mother guilt this week-end as our local show was on……
…..and we went mustering instead.
This mob of cows needed a fresh paddock a little closer to the yards so that they could have their babes weaned in the coming week.
Enter our child workforce, for with school holidays now over, mustering has to be in the afternoon or on a week-end. I didn’t have the heart to say that it was Show Day…
Once the cows were gathered it is about a 6km walk home. The mob were mostly happy to march along the road although a few strayed on the wing. Of course, when Rob & I are working together and all doesn’t go to plan, we sometimes have “mustering” words.
All is well again, with the cows in the right paddock and these arriving from behind Rob’s back when he came in for lunch.
The kids have forgiven us as well, after we packed horses and lunch to drive over the mountain to Pony Club. This afternoon will be spent working on their steers for the Junior Beef Show in June.
To quote Sharon at The Quiet Life, “who said there’s nothing to do in the bush”!

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 21/04/2013 sharon said:

    I dunno about you, but sometimes I wish there was nothing on that I felt obliged to attend!

    your photo has reminded me how much I do love bouganvilleas, despite their messiness. I might just have another lap at some, in pots this time.

    We’re weaning this weekend apparently…pretty much everything (well within reason). Tough times ahead for the little fellas sadly, but they’ll manage.

  • On 21/04/2013 Ainsley said:

    I think most people have a love or hate relationship with the good old bogie! I know Rob is cursing my pruning tonight as he repairs lawn mower tyres….

  • On 21/04/2013 Fiona said:

    Silly me … I thought there were cows arrived at the yards behind Rob’s back … not flowers!!! (Maybe that just happens to us)!
    Your absence most duly noted at the local show … will look forward to some extended catching up at ‘Junior Beef’.
    PS. I love Julie Goodwin’s cookbooks. What is it they say? Never trust a skinny cook.

  • On 21/04/2013 Ainsley said:

    Look forward to that catch up Fiona….Adelaide is keen to see her mate as well!

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