The little people (and big people) in our house all love to cook. Today they came away with inspiration to make a salad. And would you believe the inspiration came from watching play school!?
With Andrew away at ICPA Sports Camp, Lachlan & Hamish stepped up.
They gathered their ingredients from the cold room.
They cut, diced, sliced, grated, peeled and tossed carrot, lettuce, celery, apple, olives and avocado.
They put olive oil, lemon juice and sugar in a glass jar and shook to make the dressing.
(With the lid on tightly, according to directions from play school)

Hamish made some cool drinks for us to enjoy with our salad and dinner was done.
Completely planned, prepared and served by four children six and under!!
Recipe credits to ABC Kids & Playschool.

My job seems to be cleaning up although Adelaide is now very proficient at unstacking the dishwasher..
They must have known that Mum definitely needs to eat more salad, especially after Tess whipped this up for breakfast last Sunday.

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 28/08/2012 sharon said:

    while I have no need for the additional calories, I wouldn’t mind if Tess came to my place around breakfast time!

    good to see that Eliza is keeping her intake of greens up! celery must feel good to her little gums, and satisfying for her little fangs!

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