Motivated by my recent 5km Bridge to Brisbane run, I now have my sights set on running 10km. 
Early morning is the perfect time for me to run. The gorgeous sunrises provide reward in themselves. 
I spent a further 2 days in Brisbane at the end of last week, attending SODEA meetings. Unwilling to let my training slip, I took to the footpaths with the thousands of other active living constituents. Not quite as tranquil as my own backyard, but at least I didn’t have to dodge emus, cow pats, dust and grass seeds in the Botanical Gardens!
And the Brisbane River offered a pleasant change of scenery.

Sunday, my rest day, saw me swap running shoes for work boots. Rob, the kids and I had mustered some 600 head of cattle on Saturday (in between voting and handing out “how to” vote cards).  This motley, mixed mob of cattle had to be drafted and returned to pasture Sunday.

The boys stepped up to the challenge, each manning a gate and taking their respective class of animal as it came into the pound.
All three of them were attentive to the gate call and nimble on their feet.

Once drafted,  cattle were returned to paddocks. Lachlan mastered the art of cracking a stock whip from the saddle. I likened him to a child who has just learnt to whistle ….. he didn’t stop cracking that whip the entire ride!
Adelaide also begged to be allowed to ride by herself.
 She mastered the art of trotting……

Twas a big day, and it is starting to get dusty but there really is no better feeling than the exhaustion that comes from physical exertion….

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 10/09/2013 Fiona said:

    I just love Andrew telling Lachlan “they’re all bluff”. What a team!
    You keep me motivated with the running Ainsley, and lord knows I need it … the only problem with running 10K is finding the time! (well that’s possibly not the only problem).
    Good luck!

  • On 10/09/2013 sharon said:

    your yards are quiet compared to ours 🙂 Lovely to see nice quiet cattle so the kids can be in the pound. Some of our bought old dears aren’t so friendly however we have a “overhead” draft so 1. we can draft with two people quickly and 2. kids can help mum draft and be out of harms way. However I spent my childhood behind a wooden gate (Dad was/is advocate of behind-the-gate rather than in-the-pound) – it was the ultimate job to be put on the bush gate! (and the fun on the branding pen gate!)

  • On 10/09/2013 trishie said:

    How good are the boys to help out with the cattle. Love that last photo by the way – so pretty.

    PS: I’m hosting an Airwick candle giveaway today and hope you will enter:

  • On 17/09/2013 Elsie and Joan said:

    Hi Ainsley, that last photo is truly incredible!! wow. Hope you & your gang are keeping well. Belinda x

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