In true wet season style, we’ve had weeks of rain. Gentle soaking rain that has made everything sodden. 
As graziers, we love the rain. The kids, however, are starting to feel a little house bound.
Good thing we’ve got a verandah!
The clouds lifted briefly yesterday afternoon and what better way to bring some smiles to faces than to 
jump puddles, of course!

While the lawnmower has been in the dry dock having some “deck” issues rectified, we’ve been busy in the vegie patch. Lachlan has planted lots of lettuce seeds while the eggplant, basil and tomatoes from last year have all self seeded by the zillions…
Corn is growing well as are the beans, carrots and rocket. Nut grass is thriving……
Now to work out what to do with the excess eggplant. I love my vegetables but that one is proving to be a challenge. Any suggestions?

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 5/03/2013 sharon said:

    Love that garden shot with the white wall of rain coming in…and we are big fans of mud play and having “nature walks” in the wet too! Great fun.

    Can you grate egg plant into mince dishes? I haven’t ever grown it as its not something any of us really like. Had a glut of zuchinni one year and I grated it into everything!! (including a very delish zucchini cake!)

  • On 7/03/2013 Julie said:

    Have you tried making Baba ganoush – a roasted eggplant dip, similar texture to Hummus. I really enjoy Ratatouille which will also help use up the tomatoes. Bbqd slices smeared with a little pesto are nice too.

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