The McArthur children are not terribly “fast out of the blocks” when it comes to walking, and Eliza seems no different. She’s just seventeen months and has just discovered how to pull herself up. We’re madly clapping and telling her how clever she is…..

However, while she is taking her time with the walking, she is definitely an advanced early reader. She has mastered lots of the early reading behaviours such as how to handle the book, how to turn the pages, babbling at the pictures and following with her finger…..and most of the time the book is the right way up?!
Her driving skills are also very advanced, must be all the miles she has under her belt with Dad in the Buggy….
On a more serious note, school has resumed for Term 2. With Dad away for most of the week, school with four plus Eliza has been a “big job”, to say the least. 
Being a Home Tutor, like any job, is not always easy. On the days that go pear shaped, I’ve always drawn strength from talking with my fellow Home Tutors or debriefing with the class teacher. 
This past week we had a couple of days that were diamonds and a couple that were stones, and it was mostly self induced. 
On Wednesday, I was summonsed to Parliament House to a Briefing on the Great Teachers equals Great Results campaign with the Premier and Education Minister. Feeling very fortunate to have wonderful friends who I could ‘farm’ my children out to, I disrupted their school week and flew to Brisbane to represent Distance Education. It was a privilege to sit in the  Premier’s Room in Parliament House to listen to the politics of  the Gonski Funding model unfold, knowing that I was able to fly the flag for Home Tutors educating their children through the Distance Education system.
Fly home and then trundle kids into the car for a 2 hour drive, feed them all cheese on toast, put them to bed and then dig them out to resume normal schoolroom routine on Thursday. That is after feeding and watering the chickens, chooks, pigs, milker, led steers, weaner foals and a few hundred weaners…
Brisbane from here in a day is doable, just, and as you would expect, we had a few loose wheels by Friday afternoon…both the kids and me!
So as I reflect, and think about the politics of Gonski or the Great Teachers = Great Results action plan
I translate it to my children’s education. When I have a positive and open relationship with my child’s class teacher, am able to express my concerns and celebrate the good bits with him or her then I feel supported, stronger and confident that there is a professional guiding me from ‘a distance’. It really does help me do a ‘better job’ in our home classroom.  I’m grateful for the great teachers I have this year, and the ones that have helped me in years gone by.
Gonski or no Gonski
Great Teachers supporting my child (and me as his Home Tutor) will always give Great Results.
With a week-end to regroup I know Monday will be a great day!

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