……you probably can catch me because I’m not the gingerbread man!
Loving the early mornings at the moment. The 30 minutes of peace and quiet “me” time I get to spend listening to that nice little man in my iphone app who says “awesome job” when I reach the end of his training session. 
While running along I get to witness the  green season which  is now well established and after another 60 odd mm this afternoon/evening is looking even brighter.
Guess my running shoes are going to get pretty muddy tomorrow morning….

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 13/02/2013 Fiona said:

    60mm? Wow. We scored 8.
    I’m enjoying the mornings too, though I’m dreading Winter. Last year I swapped over from mornings to afternoons, but am going to try and tough out mornings this year though. Nice heading off in the cool and dark. I think of you every morning while I’m running.

  • On 14/02/2013 sharon said:

    well with that view I think I’d even be persuaded to take up running…hmm, on reflection how about very fast walking 😉

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