….. and Harry Potter has been shelved, for the time being.
This past week-end has been all about bandannas, cowboys, guns and good guy/bad guy antics.
Kids have such a wonderful sense of imagination.
And have adopted various cowboy roles in their little games.
With the grass now frosted and the golden winter light dancing across the paddocks, we’re all imagining that we live in the deep West rather than the coast of Central Queensland.
Of course everyone is jostling to play a role in this ‘real life’ action movie.
As we anticipate a visit to Brisbane and the Ekka at the end of this week, there has been plenty of talk about which show bag we will be value for money. My bet is on a Wild West one for sure!
They’ve added together their piggy banks and have established a budget. If Dad shouts the gate entry, they can afford one Wild West bag and have change for a $2 Bertie Beetle bag which, in Lachlan’s words, will keep the girls happy!
 Little do they realise, they are already the real McCoy!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 5/08/2014 Erin said:

    Love the last pic best:) They are indeed the real McCoy. So what grass/weed was you husband *& son bending down for? Reminded me of out picking up fireweed.

  • On 5/08/2014 Fiona said:

    The Harry Potters will come and go … but John Wayne will live forever!
    At least in this home … rarely a Saturday night that we don’t take in a bit of the Duke.
    Beautiful photos of a beautiful family … as always.
    Enjoy the Ekka, and of course your big run coming up. You have inspired me to nominate for the local 10K run at the beach early October!

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