Small school sports are a great opportunity for Distance Education kids to work as a team. 
Even the March past presents a small challenge. Unlike our counterparts, we don’t have the opportunity to practice a marching drill prior to the event.
Our drill occurs on the way to the starting line!

This year we were fortunate to have two of our “real teachers” join us for the day. We (as in the parents) gladly handed over the task of organising ballgames.

Once again, the challenge for the Distance Ed children is they haven’t played much team sport.
A crash course in Tunnel ball is given, minutes before the starting whistle. There isn’t much time to build a team strategy.
Although we may not have been victorious in the march past or the ballgames on the day, the comradeship and fun had by all involved makes it so worthwhile.
I have even heard a whisper about some ballgame skills being practiced at the next mini school!
In individual events, our little people ran, jumped and threw like champions.
We were very proud of one age champion amongst us….

The weather was more for ducks than sprinters and most had mud splattered up the back of their legs by the end of their dash…

Dads in attendance had plenty of rainfall totals to compare. With the general consensus being around 
4 to 6 inches for the week.

We look forward to 2013 Sports. Considering there is almost enough for a ballgames team in our house, the McArthur’s hope to sharpen their ballgame skills before then.

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