Last week was our final Minischool for 2013. A week where we pack our bags and lunches and head to town to attend “real school” with our classmates. Listen to this link on ABC Capricornia and you will hear the infectious fun and positive experiences that are to be had!
November is a busy month in our household for birthdays. Hamish’s 5th birthday fell in mini school week. We celebrated twice, once at home a few days early and then again on on the actual day. Sadly we had no extravagantly decorated cake nor party food….he’s still smiling and I have mother guilt!?

Birthday presents included new stirrup irons and safety helmet, three fruit trees, some books, a toolset and construction set.
Gave the new riding apparel a work out today…
 Eliza and I delegated the mini school lunches and school drop off to Grandma from Wednesday onward. She and I made our Term Four pilgrimage to Brisbane for the Schools of Distance Education Alliance (SODEA) meetings. Eliza is a life member of this parent group…she’s been attending her whole life!! I’m not sure many children have visited Education House in Mary St or the C2C Writing HUB or sat at the table with the 7 Schools of Distance Education Principals….all before their first birthday! I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet with the Education Minister, department folk and the dedicated writing team at BSDE and share the concerns, experiences and feedback from my school community. And I was relieved to hear that centralisation of the SDE’s is not on the agenda…
While the big boys were at school and Hamish entertained Grandma, Adelaide kept her Dad company, carting gravel for the yards, shifting cows and processing cattle. Have just completed her enrolment form for eKindy next year….
Tess relished the chance to break from study and spend some one on one time with Eliza. She has three exams to go before a 9 month break from Uni. The little people (and big ones!) can’t wait for her to arrive home at the end of next week.

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m longing for the Summer Holidays to arrive. Eliza was fascinated by the vast array of ornaments in Myers. 

Thought I might have had a chance to show her the Santa Wonderland – we were 2 hours early…

Eliza will just have to have Andrew or Lachlan write Santa an old fashioned letter with her requests….
And while mini school is an important part of the kid’s education and it is vital that Education House hear of Home Tutor’s experiences and concerns, there is nothing quite like leaving the city lights behind….

There are 9 comments on this article:

  • On 11/11/2012 weidemama said:

    Thanks for the beautiful photos of the kids and landscape in Australia, I really like!
    Greetings from Germany from Wilma

  • On 12/11/2012 Ainsley said:

    Thanks Wilma, I feel very fortunate to live where we do!

  • On 11/11/2012 sharon said:

    have you been sewing? Love the little girls tops and that fabric, I have a small peice of the same here that I have been wondering what I might do with!

    you have had a busy week, and like you I cannot wait to “slow down” (hah) when the summer holidays arrive. I’m actually thinking of doing a run to the coast in the next week so I can avoid it during december (apart from the pre-christmas grocery shopping of course) Hasn’t the year just flown?!

    Happy Birthday Hamish! (hey, as long as there are candles, kids are happy!)

  • On 12/11/2012 Ainsley said:

    Sharon, I have to confess that I bought these dresses however come Summer holidays my sewing machine might see the light of day. I did say might!!

  • On 12/11/2012 Trudy said:

    Beautiful beautiful children…love that Hamish and his smile! You are a great advocate for us Mum’s Ainsley!

  • On 12/11/2012 Ainsley said:

    Thanks Trude…

  • On 13/11/2012 Amy said:

    Oh lady – you sure make gorgeous kiddos! Lovely pics and yes, that mother guilt – I mean, come on!! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ll look forward to more of your adventures too. x Amy

  • On 14/10/2014 Therese said:

    Hi Ainsley,
    just came across your blog for the first time. What a lovely family you have!
    All the best

  • On 15/10/2014 Ainsley said:

    Thanks Therese! So nice to see this comment on an older post. It made me come back and reflect on all the good things we have, family being the foremost xx

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