Eliza is now seven months old. I’m having trouble believing that! She has been such an easy baby, they honestly seem to get easier the more we have…..now that is a dangerous comment!?
Have been flicking through the mass of digital archives and have found a photo of each of the kids at 7 months (apart from poor old Tess, who was born prior to the wonders of digital imagery!)
Have decided I will need to carefully label my photos because it is pretty hard to name which baby is which. 
Thankfully they all have such wonderfully different and unique personalities because on appearances they are all definitely tarred with the same brush.
Now I wonder if I will remember which 2 babes feature in the below photos twice!?

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 19/06/2012 annewheaton said:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who has trouble recognising which of her babies is which in photos.

  • On 19/06/2012 Fiona said:

    You and Rob do do a good baby Ainsley.
    Why stop now!

  • On 20/06/2012 sharon said:

    heh heh, yes indeed, why stop now, you would hardly even notice another one!

    and I could only tell girl from boy from the same top being worn by what I THINK is two differnt girl babies, but I COULD be wrong as indeed you pair throw a very consistent line of babies! Fiona would be able to give me the correct terminology I am sure…

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