Today we celebrated Lachlan’s 7th birthday. His wishlist  comprised of mainly “useful”, “working” things so I left Rob in charge of the birthday shopping.  A cordless drill, a “real” toolset and a handsaw…all tax deductible of course.
(maybe I should edit that bit out….never know who’s going to read this!?)
His other request was for a puppy. I morphed this idea into some Wyandotte Bantam hens so that he may be able to start raising home grown chickens from our Lowman hens …
Of course, with a box of lego thrown into the present mix, and a sickly rich chocolate cake for smoko Lachlan was more than happy!
To add to the celebratory nature of the day, we packed up and closed the door of the school room for the Easter holidays. 
Rather than mow the lawn or tend to my overgrown edges, we headed towards the hills to explore the creeks again.
I really don’t think the photos need any words…..the kids faces, I think, tell the story.
Even when you don’t want to have your photo taken……
The tranquil noises of running water….
And the “kids having fun” video:

May your Easter be shared with those that you love….

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