Baby calves are born, snakes are active, humidity is rising, lightening to the west tonight; spring is definitely in the air! Our household has had a spring in their step this week for another reason….
guess who has come home for a week-end!
Tess has escaped the big smoke for some clean country air, a little sibling bonding, 

home cooked goodies 

and of course we needed a hand to muster & brand a few hundred calves….

I wonder how much spring will be left in our step on Sunday!!

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 25/08/2012 Fiona said:

    If that wouldn’t hurry you out of the big smoke I don’t know what would!
    Enjoy your weekend Tess, I’ve no doubt you’ll earn your keep.

  • On 25/08/2012 Trudy said:

    I bet your having fun with your brood this weekend Rob and Ainsley….love the solution to Adelaide’s hair! Cute as!

  • On 26/08/2012 Jane said:

    Hi Ainsley
    Great photos. snakes active, eeew. lightning in the western sky, awesome. have a great week. Jane x

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