The Hamilton Island holiday, Christmas and even New Year are starting to feel like a distant memory with the branding muster now in full swing. The kids have been up super early each morning to help catch and saddle their horses. Some days they have even saddled one for me….
I’ve reentered the “workforce” for a couple of weeks…that is until the schoolroom once again calls me!
Just quietly, my muscles are telling me so as well…
It has been a long walk home to the yards for some of the littlest calves. The buggy has been useful for not only transporting our youngest children. When a baby calf falls behind or loses his Mum in the “mob” (think crowd), Rob steps out, gently ties it up and places it in the “pram”. Like all babies, some take in the view while others sleep. They are then returned to their Mama’s when we arrive at the yards!
I’ve been reprimanded by both my husband and eldest for focusing on “instagram” rather than “focusing” on the job at hand.
Although I’m not the only one who gets distracted occasionally.
Sometimes boys just have to be boys….
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