It has been an action packed few weeks in these parts …. I can’t believe that we are almost two weeks into the school term and racing toward the middle of February, end of Summer and talking Easter plans.
The last days of school holidays saw us muster a mob of cows and calves to be processed closer to the house yards.
As patriotic Aussies, we took Australia Day off to eat lamingtons and spend an afternoon at Clairview beach. We should have taken note of the threatening clouds whipped up by the approaching Cyclone Dylan …. around 10″ of rain has meant those cows mustered closer to the yards are still not processed!
This year I have four cherubs in the schoolroom. Year 6, Year 3, Year 1 and Prep.
We spent an inspiring couple of days at a school cluster to be ‘inducted’ and have come home with a bounty of new ideas to make this our most ‘fun’ school year yet.
As any Home Tutor teaching their own children in an isolated classroom would know, the best plans sometimes come crashing down. And of course they did. With technology hiccups, a power outage and an overly ambitious timetable, Day 2 ended in tears. 
Wet washing on the line being the straw that broke the camel’s back!?
There was no time to lick my wounds though as Rob and I along with the three little boys, rushed off to Sydney to enjoy the Lion King. Rushed being the operative word, as torrential rain in Rockhampton meant delays to our flight and a very scurried transfer in Brisbane for Sydney. Of course, our luggage had no hope of keeping up! 
With an hour before the show began, we were able to dress the boys in some new strides, me in a new pair of heels, gobble down some unhealthy food, run our fingers through our hair and arrive at the Capitol Theatre to find our seats. I’m sure noone noticed my distinct lack of make-up!
(Tess was dismayed that she had spent some time with me the evening before planning outfits which never saw the light of day).
Our luggage was delivered to our room at eleven that night.
Saturday, in Sydney, was spent riding the Ferry from Circular Quay to Taronga Zoo. After witnessing the marvellous costumes in Lion King, it was kind of fitting to meet the animals in real life.
A firm favourite with us all, were the giraffes.
Sunday saw us head home ready to tackle Week 2 of the school year ……
….. armed with a better plan (I hoped!!).
I’m pleased to report that we seem to have found some sort of rhythm … and a few non negotiables to add to our school day.
 A fifteen minute swim in the smoko break being one of them.
Certainly washes away any mid morning drowsiness and is a great excuse for me to enjoy a coffee in peace as I supervise the ‘playground’.
The photo I found on my camera roll taken by the Preppie while we’re playing “what am I”!!
The other non negotiable for me has been the golden hours at daylight and dusk. Time for me to do a little running, a little reflecting, a lot of planning ….
….. and a big bit of being grateful for all that we have.

Because although school days at the moment are certainly no walk in the park, I just keep remembering a little quote of Gretchen Rubin’s that I read last week 
‘The days may be long but the years are short’ 
and a sentence from her book “The Happiness Project
 ‘to remember the fleeting moments that make life sweet but that so easily vanish from memory’.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 5/02/2014 sharon said:

    `your little holiday had me saying to husband about how I’d like to take the kids to Sydney just to see the harbour and the zoo (and the bridge and Opera House). And he didn’t say no so we will see how the rest of the year goes…. I’ve only been to Sydney once myself and whilst our accommodation (fancy hotel) was quite nice it was really more Kings Cross than Elizabeth Bay…

  • On 5/02/2014 Fiona said:

    I’ve been repeating that very quote to anybody who will listen the past couple of days. Think I heard it on the radio sometime yesterday and It just resonates doesn’t it. I imagine organisation and planning would be paramount this year with four in the classroom. Wishing you well.

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