After a brief settling of the dust during our tropical island getaway, cattle work preceded the desire to holiday our way into Christmas. Although our spirits are still jolly!
Grass management is critical in our operation at this time of year for there are growing weaners, breeding cows and busy bulls to sustain – and to think we humans consider ourselves ‘busy’?! So we saddled the team up to rotate paddocks, wean the mid-year mate heifers and pre-treat a mob of sale heifers in preparation to cross the tick line. Thank heavens for school and uni holidays!
These hot, sweaty and dusty faces love escaping to the sandpit on their “smoko break”.
While Eliza is too little to be of much help out in the paddock, she can certainly mix it with her siblings on the earthmoving contract – that game seems to be their flavour of the month.
Amongst the dust, we’ve had a little time to prepare for Christmas.
The kids have organised Dad to help them find an appropriate Christmas tree.
As you can see, the tree always seems smaller in the paddock. It had to have some serious pruning prior to its final positioning inside. The aroma of a freshly cut T-Tree now adorns our living room.
The boys are into present giving this year and I dare not interfere. They’ve been busy making wrapping paper and embraced gift wrapping, hidden behind closed doors so that noone will see!
I love the packet of unwrapped AA batteries that have appeared under the tree – a necessary after thought for the lucky recipient of this parcel….
Any thoughts of a colour schemed and styled Christmas tree flew right out the window when the adornment of the tree commenced.
Eliza started terrorising the big kids decorations, so they sought revenge at the clothesline…
Happy to report that there is still plenty of love…
With 20mm of rain settling some of the dust today and gentle raindrops falling on the roof tonight,
I’m hoping that the dust will stay settled for Christmas day….
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