It’s no secret I love babies. I always have.
I’ve been very lucky to be blessed with six of my own to nurture, love, guide and support as they pass through their baby hood into toddler hood then childhood and on …. my eldest has entered adulthood!
I also feel extremely blessed to be married to a man who has embraced fatherhood.
He is a legendary Dad …. hands on, firm, supportive, loving … the list could go on and on.
As I finish breastfeeding Eliza this week, I’ve been reflecting on the end of the “baby” days for our family. I’m feeling kind of sad that the seasons are changing from baby days to little kid days (with a couple of bigger kids thrown in!)
Breastfeeding has definitely not always been easy and we’ve had a few challenges but I’m certainly not one to give in … or always take well meaning advice from even well respected GP’s or paediatricians. It really has been a sense of self belief and the unfaltering support of Rob that has allowed me to raise my children as fully breastfed babes. 
And now that those days are over, I realise that the lessons I’ve learnt carry over into all areas of our lives. No matter what your journey is , it is simply a sense of self belief. Belief in yourself and your values and what is important to you.
The rest will fall into place.

This week I’m grateful for my family and all the wonders of being a mother.
It really is for me, the best job ever …..

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 12/01/2014 Fiona said:

    Such a beautiful series of photos Ainsley, might be time to pull the tripod out though for some updates. Good luck with that!
    I’ve always felt sad as a child moves from one life stage to the next, a little distressed I guess that they’re moving on to new adventures, but as they’ve continued to grow I’ve realised how special every stage is, and how every part of watching them grow and develop is wonderful, (as you would well know). It’s a privilege to be a part of the process.
    I think you probably love your job as a Mum because you’re so good at it Ainsley … and in turn you’re good at it because you love it.
    It’s always good for the soul to take time to reflect and count your blessings.

  • On 13/01/2014 Jac Jack said:

    Just beautiful!
    (And faintly I hear my clock ticking)

  • On 14/01/2014 Kristie said:

    Gorgeous thoughts…I had a huge struggle letting go of the baby days of my last boy, but after a period of transition I am embracing this new stage of them all getting a little bigger. I agree with Fiona that each stage seems so special with it’s own wonder and magic.

  • On 15/01/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    Beautiful reflection of your baby days…I love seeing the next stage of my kids as it makes me reflect on how far we have all come, the good, the bad, the hard…I mean the not so easy and all of those moments of joy.

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