(For those of you familiar with Instagram & Twitter, I’ve #hashtagged them….for those of you who aren’t….it really doesn’t matter!)
1. #waiting while #mustering: Sitting under a Moreton Bay Ash, with the boys, on our horses, holding a mob of steers, waiting for Rob and the girls to scout out for straggler cattle.
2. #perfect #weather: The mornings are fresh…the days are glorious. Still need lots of sunscreen!
3. #kids are #growing up: I’m loving riding and mustering with the kids at the moment. New skills and confidence grows for all of them each day.
4. #teamwork and #mates: These two are the core of the mustering team…Andrew works the lead and Lachlan’s on the wing….Dad scouts out for cattle  and Mum brings along the tail (and sometimes yells a bit!?)
5. #horses: I’ve ridden more in the past month than I have in years and I’ve loved it,  (might have something to do with the buggy sitting in the shed waiting for more expensive repairs…there goes the overhead budget)
6. #working after #schoolsout: Helping in the yards as we muster, weigh and truck fat cows out.
7.  #newshoes: Eliza’s new red boots….I think I want a pair!!
8. #photography: And to finish, a couple of shots I’ve taken with my “good” camera. 
Could this little girl’s face be any dirtier?!

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 5/05/2013 Fiona said:

    Lovely snapshots of your week Ainsley (for us non-instagrammers/twitterers).
    I’d like a pair of those red boots too, but only if they come with the little girl.

  • On 5/05/2013 Fiona said:

    PS. Only 1 more sleep!

  • On 5/05/2013 sharon said:

    sounds interesting, what are you pair up to?

    I missed the mounting pics on IG (it seems to be dropping pics out!) but I love the pic of Rob helping the kids mount. I offer my knee and end up boosting them up as well. And as a long time rider of extremely tall horses, and with short non bouncy legs, I was excited to find I could mount without having to find a mounting block the other day, riding the one of the kids short, perfectly sized, horses. Kid might have trouble getting it back!

  • On 7/05/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    You certainly do manage to capture the moment…#countrykids are #happykids

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