Earlier in the week, the boys ( & Adelaide!) decided to go fishing.
They were inspired by their cousins’ red claw expeditions in a much larger dam further west of here.
Keen to let them explore on their own,  I let the kids drive and decided to myself walk the little distance to little dam that they were sure would gift them their bounty. 

I had my camera in hand, to capture some snaps of the kids hauling in the “big one”.
I didn’t waste too much time taking a few landscape shots …..

 ….. but I did miss the memo that said “When you’re 10 and under and you get no bites, fishing only lasts 10 minutes!”
Seems it was the wrong time of day or something or other …….

……and so they packed up, turned around and went home!

It’s all about the planning, right?

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 6/01/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    No point in wasting time on something that isn’t going to happen…kids are so practical really aren’t they…sort of!

  • On 6/01/2014 Fiona said:

    Maybe you should have run, not walked Mum.

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