….. it’s hot and muggy.
We’ve mustering to be done, cattle to sell and paddock rotations working a little faster as it is ‘grass growing season’.
It also seems to be ‘kid growing season’ ……. hardly a pair of jeans in his drawer cover this fellow’s boots!
Formal school lessons have finished for the year and we’re in school holiday mode. More time to learn new skills. 
I reckon I’ll not have to mow the lawn for the next 12 years with three out of six children now mastered the zero turn.
The cattle have had some parasite pressure of late with the cattle tick thriving in current conditions. 
We’re keen to maximise animal performance and so as the cattle work through the yards to be sorted, they are also being treated to a swim in the plunge dip to remove the blood suckers. Working the race, so that each cow takes her turn to jump in and swim  in a timely manner is the job of these two.
My job is to keep smoko up to them!
Christmas preparations are a little slow yet although the kids have pulled the rum ball recipe out …. 
…… and there is a little tinsel is starting to appear. 

 It is of course, the month before Christmas.

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 8/12/2013 Ali said:

    Such a delicious blogpost! Lucky you with that very green grass!
    All the best from the alps, where all is very white!

  • On 10/12/2013 Ainsley said:

    Enjoy that white Christmas Ali …. it’s so hard to imagine here at the moment!

  • On 8/12/2013 sharon said:

    so green Ainsley! Scheduled to be some hot days here, hopefully rain to follow so any green shoots don’t just shrivel up and die!
    hope you fit in some down time!

  • On 9/12/2013 Fiona said:

    Beautiful shade of green Ainsley!
    And yes, you must allow those hard-working children some ‘holiday’ time these holidays!

  • On 10/12/2013 Chookyblue...... said:

    so nice to see it all green……………hope you get more rain………..

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