November is here and I’m still thinking about the spring clean that I was starting on the 1st of September. Eliza turns one this month…and I have a little sob..
Found some random pictures that I’ve captured of late. They really just encapsulate the ordinary things.
Like why I love grocery shopping via Click & Collect….
How nice it is to see Dad for smoko…
I think we have another cowgirl about to come of age…

This boy is growing up, heard him tell his teacher on air how he drives all vehicles, including bobcats, and he is now a master of the barking bar….

Sand is lots of fun, even if it isn’t beach sand…

Sometimes a photo shared, can make a big sister smile….

I’m glad I bought a big bucket of Mobilo when I only had 2 kids…

And photography makes the peaches look a lot bigger than they actually are!
But I am proud that we’ve grown our first crop chemical free, and only lost about 3 to fruit fly.

Photos are random, my words are random, I think I will go to bed!

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 1/11/2012 Fiona said:

    The photos and words are just perfect Ainsley.

  • On 1/11/2012 Trudy said:


  • On 2/11/2012 sharon said:

    ditto (and I still want to squeeze that Eliza, followed shortly thereafter by Adelaide…my boy still loves a squeeze but he’s getting all long and lanky and certainly is not nice and squishy any more!)

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