The dust and cobwebs have started to gather on the desk in the schoolroom and I’m not looking!
We’ve donned our long sleeve shirts and have headed out in the paddock to help Dad.
There is a job list for everyone and some of us are better than others at getting things crossed off 😉
With a September heat wave striking most of Queensland, early mornings are by far the most pleasant time of day. I’m continuing to work toward my goal of running 10 kilometres and the aim is to leave quite a few kilograms along the track! This means less smoko and a few less coffees……
At the moment we have a Canadian couple helping out around the place. It has meant that Rob and I can ride and muster together with these four while Eliza is in safe hands.
Our grazing rotations have slowed down with paddocks having a 120 day spell since last being grazed.
While the fresh paddocks have a green shoot underneath the dry bulk, the paddocks grazed our certainly grey and dusty.
It’s been hot, thirsty work for everyone …….
We’re fortunate here, to have a lot of natural water but during the dry season our dependence on man-made water grows (particularly as the days heat up).
It’s Murphy’s law that as soon as cattle become dependant on the troughs, the pump has a problem…..
Although this has been inconvenient, we are fortunate to have alternate options. In this case, it was a move (a little earlier than planned) to a fresh paddock.
With Andrew and Lachlan escaping for two days to visit their mates, it meant Eliza was back out in the paddock to help.
Tomorrow, Tess returns home for her mid-semester break. The kids have a few surprises up their sleeves, including the grooming and preening of her beloved horse!
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