There is no shortage of cooks in this house with everyone happy to have a turn in the kitchen. It is a good thing cause with 8 of us in the house, we eat a lot of food…
Andrew loves the camp oven and has a makeshift fire pit near the vegie garden. This morning he announced that he would cook a stew for dinner so the appropriate meat was taken from the freezer to defrost. Nothing unusual about that. We entered the school zone and the day went on. After lunch the boys started whispering and asked if they could cook the whole dinner. I never blinked and replied “Go for it”.
The kitchen and dining room became a flurry of activity with me banned from looking in either room. Menus were rattling off the printer, aprons were donned, decorations were hung, cultery was wrapped in serviettes (improvised with coloured paper from the craft box), candles were dusted off and the Kitchen Aid purred. Potato, carrot and onion skins were flying and a beaten track was established between the kitchen and the fire pit outside. I then knew this wasn’t going to be an ordinary stew…
The keeping it real photo! Andrew threatening his little brother with the spatula…
With a “Mum ban” on the kitchen, the girls and I decided to venture outside to do a little gardening and take on the boys duties such as getting in the milker and feeding the menagerie.
On dark, both Rob & I were still instructed to detour the kitchen and dining room and shower for dinner. You may notice that the table was only set for 4 and Eliza’s high chair. The chef and waiter, we were informed, would eat after the kitchen had closed!?
The cheese and cracker platter!
On entering the “restaurant” we were treated to a drum roll and welcome speeches. Soft music played and we had allocated seats. Homemade lemonade was served from the ice bucket (stainless steel milk bucket!) and accompanied by cheese and crackers. The waiter then cleared the table before serving a main of Stew with Dumplings prepared in the camp oven. The chef poured the red wine….
We had colouring in sheets to keep the young ones entertained and of course there were prizes to be won for the best colouring (Dad was the eventual winner!). Mid evening, the waiter took the littlies  to the “fun room” to keep them entertained so that Rob and I may converse….
To finish the meal, we enjoyed warm Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding with cream and berry jam….and while I savoured every mouthful, I could hear the clinking of glasses and plates in the kitchen as they cleaned up….
Andrew is 9, Lachlan is 7 and Hamish is 5!
And their kitchen ruled tonight….

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 23/04/2013 sharon said:

    my first thought was, geez they’ve been watching my kitchen rules! what a great job kids! What a fantastic menu for a cooler evening.

    speaking of MKR, mine often give me scores (carefully, it doesn’t do to upset mum OR the chef!) or offer to “plate up” dinner…kids.

  • On 23/04/2013 sharon said:

    ps also admire the presentation of the cheese and cracker platter 🙂 esp the philly cheese…

  • On 23/04/2013 Andrea Chalk said:

    All we ever managed as kids was scrambled eggs; I applaud the chefs!

  • On 23/04/2013 Fiona said:

    What amazing boys!
    And on a school night to boot.

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