Last Sunday, Rob and Andrew headed to Clermont for the annual ICPA Sports Camp. Such a fantastic week of teamwork, comradeship and sporting opportunities for bush kids …. and something I’m sure that assists in the preparedness for boarding school. 
 Mind you, Rob doesn’t really need any ‘boarding school’ readiness. He rolls his swag and joins lots of other Mums, Dads, Governesses and Grandmothers volunteering to organise, cook, care and lead the hundred odd kids participating.
Meanwhile, the four little ones and I have kept on with school.
And as they say, keep the home fires burning …..

or in this week’s instance we’ve been putting out a raft of bush fires, so it seems.
On Monday,  I decided to check a couple of water troughs on my morning run. This is the first hiccup I encountered. I grumbled a bit but was able to remedy the situation. Simply a float cover knocked over and holding down the float. Still managed to be in school by 7.30 and all was well. 
Each morning I’ve encountered more hiccups until this morning I decided it best to skip the early morning exercise as I didn’t think I could bear any more headaches. Decided to deliver molasses to the weaners instead. I was sure it would be a fun after school activity for everyone. Fresh air, headspace, some lemon picking along the creek while waiting for truck to fill and all of that …. what could possibly go wrong.
And that innocent hashtag #whatcouldpossiblygowrong was my undoing I’m sure. For anyone familiar with thick, gooey, sticky molasses and old international trucks with no power steering would know, you should never tempt fate.
Let’s just say that we are all safe and well. We’ve got clean clothes and are fed. The cows all have water and some have molasses to lick while others will have to wait until Rob arrives home. The truck’s still up the paddock (it was easier to walk home!) and the cows have licked up most of the mess …… I’ll spare the gory details.
I’ve now decided that we started the week a little too ambitious for the job list seems to have multiplied rather than shrunk.

I’ve learnt a fair bit about myself this week, its been challenging to say the least. While the little kids are great company and are certainly a big help, I can’t wait to see another adult.
I think we’re all ready to share the load ……..

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 28/08/2014 Fiona said:

    What is it they say Ainsley … TGIF ???

  • On 28/08/2014 Erin said:

    Love the size of your verandah, what a lovely spot to do lessons. I can easily imagine you are hanging out for your husband to come home! Last pic made me smile:)

  • On 28/08/2014 CountryMouse said:

    Wow what a week! It looks like you have had lots of little helpers. Enjoy having hubby home and having some adult conversation.

  • On 29/08/2014 sharon said:

    Well fiona has often hilariously shared her inter driving adventures, so I really would love to hear the sticky details 🙂 because we can all commiserate. There but for the slip of a dodgy gear gear go I?! Or something like that?!!!

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