School holidays and Uni holidays collide  for just one week in September. Just one week to muster, fence, ride, preg test and complete the arduous tasks. Tess is also cramming lots of quality time in with her siblings.
Riding instruction for the junior ranks is something that sounds more musical from Tess than me.
She has one week to encourage Hamish to ride independently and confidently..
One week to inspire Lachlan to canter more often and keep his heels down.
Little people only absorb little bits at a time, so each afternoon this week the McArthur Pony Club has met on my front lawn.
Now it would be remiss of me to let people think it is all work and no play…..
Imagine Lachlan’s intrigue when he came home from a days work to find this on the lawn.
Could this be the new sprinkler system Mum has been dreaming about?

Just like with the riding instruction, Tess stepped in to give her siblings some tips on technique.

I’m quite pleased with this $19 investment. It certainly watered this spot of lawn and also provided Eliza with entertainment. Her new trick is clapping. Although hard to capture on camera, she clapped as each child slipped and slided along.

We may only have one week all together, but the Thrills & Spills are coming think and fast….

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 26/09/2012 Fiona said:

    I’m pleased to see the spills are during water-play and not off the ponies … who look to have wintered very well by the way.

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