Warmer days with the onset of Spring has meant a rise in cattle tick pressure on our cows. To keep production ticking along, this week we gathered some of the cows to the yard, and splashed them through the plunge dip to remove the parasites.
The cows are then returned to fresh paddocks. Following the 56mm of rain we received a few weeks back, there is fresh life in the rested paddocks. 
Moving the cows through the yards has meant I’ve swapped early morning runs for early laps around the cattle yards drafting and sorting.
I’ve enjoyed starting the day this way. 
The kids have championed along with us in all kinds of ways.
Andrew has whipped up a batch of melting moments and a chocolate self saucing pudding for us this week ……..
………. in between turning mobs of cattle out with his brothers.
These Schleich cows have also had their animal health needs met. 
Seems my role in the paddock is now a supervisory one as Hamish canters back to bring along any stragglers. Of course that means more photo opportunities which ticks a box on my ‘things I want to do’ list!

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