You can take this girl out of the bush but you certainly can’t take the bush out of the girl!
Big Ben, her agile and trusty steed, have been inseparable this week.
Today, with Rob & the senior boys (Andrew & Lachlan) on a dairy cow buying expedition, Tess was left with a small paddock to muster and some calves to mother up. She relishes jobs like this, a great chance to inspect some of the results of our crossbreeding project. 
September is usually our driest month, and while we have had little rain in the past seven weeks, the cattle are still reaping the rewards of a unseasonably wet July. Although the feed has hayed off, we’re fortunate to have enough moisture and warmth to stimulate some grass growth, meaning no mundane feeding of supplements. 
Calves are full of milk and mischief….

In this paddock, we also had our spare milkers running. Can you spot Freckle and Butter, our house cows?
There is almost natural segregation occurring here! Note the beef calves heading over to check out the dairy ruckus..
Wait until they meet our new additions, Starlight and Midnight. Named by the Senior boys on their way home in the truck!
Lachlan is a cattle fanatic. Tonight, before falling asleep, he wrote out a pedigree for the new milking stock in his scrapbook. When finished, the book was put carefully under his pillow.
The code is for cow “x” and “402”. Cute…
The page before features a yard plan and property map.
Now Speckle, our cow current house cow, is excited that she will soon get a well earned reprieve when these two deliver calves sometime in November.

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 26/09/2012 Fiona said:

    Thought the cow to the far left of the first group of cattle was decidedly dairy-like.
    Starlight and Midnight … great names! Far more interesting than our Olivia, Priscilla and Olga!

  • On 26/09/2012 Ainsley said:

    Great spotting! Freckle was in that mob as well. Named because she is a Friesian/Brown Swiss Cross with spots…

  • On 29/11/2012 Aqil R said:

    hai..u have very nice farm i love it..:)

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