The end of April is just around the corner, the days are shortening and the air is fresh of an evening.
All in line with Autumn and the approach of Winter. 
Anzac Day marks the traditional end of our grass growing season and this year it finished with a bang….a thundery bang that delivered 75mm of rain in a short period of time.
For those wondering, the end of the growing season is all about grass. I’m super conscious of sharing too many “abundant, green grass photos” as I know many of my blog and Instagram friends have had a very fickle rainy season meaning their grass is not as abundant as it should be. 
I know, too, that the season will turn to dust here again, so, like many others I suspect,  I’m snapping the green shots to cheer us up in the dry!

It has been another busy week under these Autumn skies. 
On Friday, I left home at 3.30am so that I could enjoy the sunrise from my Qantas seat window enroute to Brisbane.
And then enjoy the clouds from above on my way home that afternoon…..
 Weaners have had to be educated (tOf course that is after the little cowboys and cowgirls are educated!)

And we’ve mustered some heifers in between the rogue showers. This little cloud….

transformed itself within about 20 minutes!

Other than that, we’ve had lawn to mow and watermelon to share….

Watermelon o’clock is a favourite time of the day here!!

There are 6 comments on this article:

  • On 29/04/2013 Fleur McDonald said:

    Is’t it funny how north to south is completely different in growing seasons? Anzac day marks the day our canola should go into the ground!

  • On 29/04/2013 Ainsley said:

    Totally agree Fleur, Australia is a big place with wildly different environments isn’t it?!

  • On 29/04/2013 sharon said:

    Ainsley that first storm photo is an absolute ripper! Another one for the wall I think! and keep the green grass photos coming, we need to be reminded that it doesn’t always look the opposite!!

    There was talk about what rain would do now its gotten cooler, but at this point I think any decent widespread rain would be far better than none!

  • On 29/04/2013 Fiona said:

    Beautiful captures.
    And are you flying solo now? Eliza staying behind with SuperDad?

  • On 30/04/2013 Anne Wheaton said:

    I love the grey sky above the green grass. We all need to take photos of green and growing just to remind ourselves – over here the growing season is just starting and we’re turning from bare branches to green buds and blossom.

  • On 3/05/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    Lovely Ainsley….

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