Hamish turned six last week. He felt fortunate to have his birthday fall in mini school week meaning he was able to share the birthday  fun and cake with his classmates. 
He came home from the week away wiser than his mother, alerting me to the fact that I was about to fuel the diesel powered Ranger with unleaded. 
Thank goodness for a wise six year old is all I’ll say!
We were very fortunate to have a season break at October’s end (receiving 49mm at the house and 83 mm over Ripplebrook and Beaconsfield). This wet relief has allowed the grass to spring into life and the garden, although well watered, is blossoming. The poinciana trees are in full flower as is the frangipani. Mangoes are starting to colour and the mulberry tree has a new flush. Summer must be near………

There’s a lot of anticipation in rural Queensland this week as blue skies are predicted to give way to a wet change.

I spent a night in Brisbane with some ladies from Western areas. One of them came with a bag of washing, thrilled to be able to wash her clothes in clean, stench less water. Makes you feel grateful for some of the simple things so easily taken for granted……
Another of the ladies I spent time with in Brisbane introduced me to a secondhand book store, complete with creaking floors and old paper smells. 
Ten minutes was not nearly enough ….. I’ll be back, that is for sure.

Amongst starting water pumps and checking cattle, we’ve been organising Christmas.
All going well, the Christmas shopping is done and dusted in one big project.
And the boys know a little more about levels, shovels and labouring!

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 12/11/2013 sharon said:

    I can see you now, sitting on the deck looking over the pool on Christmas Day, with cool drink in hand. Kids are the perfect age, and Eliza will become a little fish!

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