It’s been hot and humid. Typical February weather, my husband would say and perfect for growing grass. Rain helps and for this we are grateful. 
Good weather for the pool and for this we too, are grateful!
Good weather for any kind of water play really ….

While Tess was quite content to play around with her horse and a hose, the little people were yearning for a little more adventure.

 Rob had spent his Sunday morning pulling down an old fence line while I had spent mine in the office wedged between accounts and a computer screen. We decided to meet in the middle on the bank of a stream. 
Nothing complicated. Just an old fence post, a box of matches, a hot plate, some sausages and bread with a little mango chutney on the side. Simple.

Cured all our problems really!

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 23/02/2014 Fiona said:


  • On 23/02/2014 Finch Family said:

    Sundays were made for adventures like these! What a perfect location for little explorers.

  • On 24/02/2014 sharon said:

    perfection. although the wet jeans! this laundry persons worst nightmare (along with a huge steaming pile of wet towels…we had a handful of wet days so far and the kids seem to have used every towel in the house in that time!)

  • On 24/02/2014 Anne Wheaton said:


  • On 3/03/2014 PANDORA NLA said:

    Dear Blog Author

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