Prep is well and truly underway for Miss Adelaide. Naturally we’re doing lots of early literacy and numeracy activities and learning about letters and what a word is. We’re still finding time for gross motor activities as well. I like to call it play!
With three siblings in the classroom, it’s hard to find time to partake. I’m quick to hand instruction over to whoever walks in the door. Tess was away for a long week-end ….. Rob came home for smoko. He was a champion Dad and embraced ribbon dancing although I’m sure he is more of a kite flying kinda guy.
Adelaide was a beautiful ribbon dancer …..

Friday afternoon came around and we were all still smiling …. that has to be a good sign.
We celebrated with homemade chocolate hazelnut spread out of the thermomix. They’d never met Nutella before ….so imagine the kids’ delight when they got a chocolate smothered sandwich for lunch!
A few laps in the pool to wash away the day and refresh our way into the week-end.

Forecast rain eventuated. Wonderful follow up after the deluge last week.
Andrew claims it makes for easy digging.
Hamish has been making a memory box in Year 1 History this week. When I ask him what he has done in the past, he always mentions fencing. He likes fencing. Hopefully the novelty lasts as there is plenty to do …..

Of course, fresh baked goods are renown for keeping boys happy in the paddock.
This Pineapple and Ginger Upside down cake from Donna Hay’s latest issue is highly recommended.

Threatening clouds on Saturday delivered rain overnight and throughout Sunday. Looks like the lawn won’t get mowed for a few days … not worried in the slightest ….. that green is certainly a colour we could get used to.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 9/02/2014 sharon said:

    lawn? more like paddock!! I always marvel at the size of coastal dwellers gardens! 😉

  • On 15/02/2014 4RRanch said:

    Just found your blog and am enjoying reading about farm life in a different part of the world.

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