Tess was the recipient of the 2012 Edgar Hudgins Scholarship. She packed her bag back in February and flew to Houston to be immersed in the American way of life.
From all accounts, she loved it!
As a Mum, I really am grateful to all the wonderful families who took Tess under their wings. They fed her, housed her, inspired her, challenged her and gave her a whole new perspective on the ways of the world.  
This last Wednesday we had an early start to collect some precious cargo from Rocky airport. A plane that had left Houston, TX (via Dallas and Brisbane) some 24 hours was due in.

The girls donned on their Sunday best to reunite with their big sister….the boys stayed home to keep on keeping on with school. Besides, I didn’t want Tess to feel overwhelmed by “all” of us at once and thought it best to reacclimatise her gently.
And so, when she stepped off the plane, life for our family was complete again. 
As a mother, I want nothing more than for my cherubs too spread their wings, but oh how my heart sings when they return.

The afternoon was spent catching up, sharing stories and remarking at how much the little people had grown.

Of course there was the excess baggage to unpack and distribute. We’ve all scored a cap, jeans and a new pair of boots. Well, actually only 15 individual boots made it to Australian shores…..one seems to have escaped out of the luggage halfway across the Pacific.
Andrew is still smiling though…..he has the same size foot as Tess and has claimed hers!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 10/05/2013 sharon said:

    how does one boot escape?! bummer. Hope yours fit after my own boot drama. Welcome home tess…and I’m smiling as Eliza did not appear too pleased to be out of bed so early (you’re touching my dad Adelaide!) despite the gorgeous skirt!

  • On 11/05/2013 Fiona said:

    Beautiful skirts, beautiful girls.
    Indeed, Eliza looks like a little more shut-eye may have been in order.
    Welcome home Tess.

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