We celebrated the New Year in Gatsby style at Kimberley last night ….
…. most of us had some 1920’s regalia hiding in our closet.

And if not, it really didn’t matter!
The Kimberley homestead lends itself to catering for a crowd with huge verandahs and sweeping views of the property.
Food is a passion in the Angus household. Blair and Josie’s menu is always inspirational and delicious. Last night, certainly didn’t disappoint.
They’ve four children, all very capable in the kitchen. Home made, steamed bread rolls with anyone?
The bar was well stocked …..
and the cold drinks and schmancy cocktails were popular amongst young and old ….
And as the drinks flowed, the smiles grew …..
…. and the best Charleston moves came out!

……. with most keen to show off their fancy feet.
It was an awesome party and after a strong cup of coffee this morning we had a chance to have a little cousin time before hitting the road home …..
Tonight, I’m feeling a little worse for wear but as I’ve been reminded,
“a little party never killed nobody”
Happy New Year!

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 1/01/2014 creations.1 said:

    Wow!! An awesome fun way to see out the old year and bring in the new – great photos – they show the enjoyment of everyone so well!

  • On 1/01/2014 Fiona said:

    Looks like marvellous fun Ainsley. Those girls of yours are growing and becoming more gorgeous every day. I smiled at Rob’s crooked bow tie. Wishing you all a wonderful 2014.

  • On 2/01/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    Always such style Ainsley…there are quite a few familiar faces in there and it looks like it was heaps of fun. How’s the headache?

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