Just last night did I realise how important it is to celebrate all our achievements, big and small.
It brings about a sense of community and pride.
In the past four days we’ve swum in two swimming carnivals, attended our School’s Awards Ceremony and acknowledged so many great achievements. Adelaide has worn her first square academic hat to graduate from ekindy, Hamish has nailed his first 200 Magic Words which is a fitting conclusion to his prep year, we’ve cheered on poolside as Lachlan powered home in all his races. At 7 years of age, he stepped up and swam 25m butterfly for the intermediate relay team. We’ve celebrated with Andrew as he is appointed School Vice Captain in Year 6….. a role that he’ll relish, that I’m sure of.
Of course it would be remiss of me not to mention Tess & Eliza’s achievements ….. one has only one more semester of Uni to go, the other is trotting along and rambling increasingly more decipherable sentences!
The celebrations have provided closure to the school year. I love this time of reflection as I think how each of the kids has blossomed and grown. It is also a time to acknowledge and thank each of our class teachers for their dedication. They all rock!!
All of this celebrating makes me realise what a wonderful school community we have and the McArthur team are very proud to be members.


There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 10/12/2013 sharon said:

    good on you kids ! (of all sizes!) and good on mum for being at the helm of the school room!

    magic words….sigh….my boy can spell ENOUGH but sight words still trouble us…

  • On 10/12/2013 Fiona said:

    Congratulations to all members of Team McArthur.
    Happy Holidays indeed.

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