Following the rain, the insects are extremely active and although our house is screened the little insects are in love with my computer screen at night! So in order to update my blog, I think I will save time and  review the week in pictures rather than words…….
Quite often the phone rings mid morning and people ask, “What have you been up to?” or “What exciting things have you planned for this week?”, to which, I answer “just school, lots of school”. 
And while these two boys look very studious and attentive, last week was a tough one. I was tired and cranky, the days were long and for some reason our school rhythm was a little off beat…..
All is well that ends well though for on Friday we were able to smile because Aunty Josie and Uncle Blair had shouted us tickets to Cavalia, a kind of equestrian ballet under a Big Top in Brisbane.
This provided a lovely opportunity to catch up with Grandma and Grandad, all my siblings, their better halves and cousins……
This is a sample of the crew we spent our Saturday evening with.

Eliza was kind of pleased to shed the double pocket work shirt and motorbike hair for two days, and glam up in her pretty frocks….
Although on returning home, she was just as pleased to start drafting the cows and horses again.
Just as people ring and ask what I’ve been up to, Rob also fields the same question and his response is more often than not “chasing cows, lots of cows”.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 12/03/2013 Fiona said:

    At least you can use school as a good excuse Ainsley. People ask me how I fill in my days and I’m generally stumped for an answer, all I know is every day is full and different and none of them include daytime TV!

  • On 13/03/2013 sharon said:

    nothing exciting here either. And I don’t have school to blame either. Same old same old.

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